[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://proskuneo.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Josh-Davis.png[/author_image] [author_info]Josh Davis loves people and loves to make safe space for complexity. A third-culture person himself, Josh served [...]
I recently had the privilege of chaperoning a week of youth camp at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters in Andrews, NC. While slightly insane, I managed to [...]
Ministry leadership begins with a discontent about the status quo and a compelling desire for change. A leader lives in the midst of several tensions: [...]
Hello friends! First of all, I am SO looking forward to coming back for NGLC next month. NGLC had an incredible impact on me last [...]
Often times in our sincere heartfelt passion to bring the light and love of Christ to the unsaved, we jump to works, strategies and "how to" methods without fully establishing a firm foundation of what it means to be a humble servant leader
Speaking in October included a Spiritual Warfare Seminar, Perspectives Course, Keynote at a key black church partner (on Jonah, no less!!), on the Ekklesia of God to 80 university students at our headquarters, all considering going global
We launch into the Fall season getting ready for some significant Kingdom activities. Please pray with us for God's great hand of power to be upon this work at ABWE.
The word “integrity” has been bandied about so much over the last decade or so that it has practically become meaningless.
What a joy writing this article has been for me, personally, as it has given me the opportunity to remember the powerful work the Lord did in each of our lives during the 2013 ELC Conference.