My first NextGen experience was I am sure, like many of yours… AMAZING. I showed up with very little information about the week, and walked away encouraged, refreshed, loved on and full.
Rwanda is more than just a place I’ve visited—it’s a part of who I am. Every time I reflect on my experiences there...
f you knew that your death was just a few hours away, what would you want to say to those closest to you? Jesus knew...
Every Friday my family and I prepare our hearts and our home for Sabbath. We clean up the entire home...
I wish in my 30’s and 40’s I had listened more intently to the voices urging me to slow down and to care for my [...]
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I’m not sure a single photo can capture the beauty of what we experienced at [...]
“Then I saw in my Dream they went very lovingly on together, and had sweet discourse of all things that had happened to them in [...]
“I want to raise a leader from the minority culture and I’m ready to yield my power to a new leader so that that person [...]
After NGLC 2020 (round 2-Sept. 14-16), I figured we don’t really need another new prayer practice or scripture meditation; but, instead, I’d share with you [...]
Resiliency, or the ability to bounce back even stronger from a tough experience, is at the heart of spiritual health. There are three practical ways [...]