Our focus in these next few weeks is on Abraham. We’ll be studying Genesis 12:1-3 and some accompanying scriptures that will give us some knowledge about [...]
Not pleasing Himself but Building up of others Romans 15:1-7 What ways has Christ accepted you? “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, [...]
The NextGen Blog: No, we are not interested in the blog-land of celebrity pastors! They carry an oversized influence in the West for sure, [...]
After NGLC 2020 (round 2-Sept. 14-16), I figured we don’t really need another new prayer practice or scripture meditation; but, instead, I’d share with you [...]
Every now and then while driving home from work and listening to worship music, podcast, or sometimes just in silence, the Holy Spirit grips my [...]
Friends: Here is the link to the teachings and worship from our NextGen Leaders Conference 2020. Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w4mqNN5B3lWf8EKn1QgCuQ5RZnG6bhNa?usp=sharing
Some years ago, I asked a very precious prayer warrior and mentor of mine if he ever “plateaued” in his spiritual life. Did his “quiet [...]
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