Ministry leadership begins with a discontent about the status quo and a compelling desire for change. A leader lives in the midst of several tensions: [...]
Some years ago, I asked a very precious prayer warrior and mentor of mine if he ever “plateaued” in his spiritual life. Did his “quiet [...]
The word “integrity” has been bandied about so much over the last decade or so that it has practically become meaningless.
For the better part of thirty years my wife and I have been working to recruit and train men and women for cross-cultural service. In the process of this Sue and I have made friends with hundreds of Muslims, and Hindus from all over the world.
What happens when you take 65 men and women from 40 mission and church organizations around the world and invite them to a grace-filled environment that teaches and embraces Jesus Christ as the center of everything?
It's hard to believe a year has passed since I attended the Center for Global Mission's Emerging Leaders Conference of 2012. Though I am unable to attend this year's conference, the concept of leadership continues...
Much of leadership development is built around mentoring models or master teacher-pupil systems. One value lacking in leadership development is the role of Community in leadership formation development.
What sets spiritual leadership apart from all other forms of leadership? One foundational element to aid spiritual leaders as they grow in capacity to serve is the profound practice of worship.
We are one month away for our next Emerging Leaders Conference. The Global Leaders are set; the Dream Team is set; the Mentors are ready the Delegates are set. Each week we'll outline key players for you to pray over.
The Word of God plays an essential role in our Emerging Leaders Conferences. The Word affirms and confirms a leader’s authority. The Word helps to establish the rhythms of a leader’s ministry.