If I ever got a tattoo it would say “El Roi.” In an intimately beautiful moment of Scripture, we see Hagar enter into a personal [...]
My suspicion arose late. It was that gradual sense that something was missing. I didn’t suspect the evangelicalism that has shaped my missiology. I’ll always [...]
At the spring 2023 NextGen Gathering, we will wrestle with a familiar term: “blessing.” This word is so common that it shouldn’t require much commentary. [...]
In our last post we took a moment to consider the moment when unbelief (e.g. belief in the ANE gods) becomes belief in the One [...]
In our last two stories, we get a glimpse of God’s command to Abram to leave his country and his father’s household and go to [...]
“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a [...]
The conference ended, as I knew it would, on Friday night with hugs all around and tears shared with new friends and old, not wanting [...]
My husband had been to Israel several times, leading group tours. It was my first time. In addition to my fear of flying, I was [...]
Howard Hughes was a talent larger than life. An inventor in his teenage years. A movie producer and aeronautical engineer in his twenties and thirties. [...]
Nik Ripkin notes that in the most needy and risky places on earth women field activists outnumber men by seven to one. He thinks he [...]