I never come to an NextGen expecting to leave the same. In fact, I have been a part of this movement in one way...
If I ever got a tattoo it would say “El Roi.” In an intimately beautiful moment of Scripture, we see Hagar enter into a personal [...]
This blog post was written in January of 2020. At the time, I wasn’t personally grieving anything, but the Lord laid this scripture on my [...]
Recently as I was at my first “in person” Nextgen conference, I was there to just be. I had not gotten permission to do that [...]
What happens when you take 65 men and women from 40 mission and church organizations around the world and invite them to a grace-filled environment that teaches and embraces Jesus Christ as the center of everything?
It's hard to believe a year has passed since I attended the Center for Global Mission's Emerging Leaders Conference of 2012. Though I am unable to attend this year's conference, the concept of leadership continues...
I went to the Center for Global Mission’s Emerging Leaders Conference in 2012, and it was a highlight of my year. But even with all the life-transforming lessons, terrific speakers, practical advice, new friends, and discipleship opportunities...
God was about to remind me once again about His card and the beauty of community in a time of grieving and growth.
It is a joy to serve you, most of the time. I love you and I love what I do but there are things that irritate me too. The problem is that while you have full freedom to tell me those things that irritate you, it is harder for me to tell you.