The word “integrity” has been bandied about so much over the last decade or so that it has practically become meaningless.
For the better part of thirty years my wife and I have been working to recruit and train men and women for cross-cultural service. In the process of this Sue and I have made friends with hundreds of Muslims, and Hindus from all over the world.
I went to the Center for Global Mission’s Emerging Leaders Conference in 2012, and it was a highlight of my year. But even with all the life-transforming lessons, terrific speakers, practical advice, new friends, and discipleship opportunities...
God was about to remind me once again about His card and the beauty of community in a time of grieving and growth.
My husband and I recently counted the significant changes we have been through in our married life. We recalled the questions and longings that brought us to the threshold of each major change.
It is a joy to serve you, most of the time. I love you and I love what I do but there are things that irritate me too. The problem is that while you have full freedom to tell me those things that irritate you, it is harder for me to tell you.
I am close to 60 years old, and for all those years – every single one of them — I have been involved in Christian leadership in the grand pursuit of fulfilling the Great Commission.