Dr. Jim O’Neill: Abiding

Pressing in to abide with Jesus for the long haul! Is it possible to pursue Jesus over the next 20-plus years in the task of abiding well? Can the next generation of leaders abide well in the care of their own souls? NextGen Gathering, April 23-28, 2023 was devoted to...
Clara Litzsinger: The God Who Sees Me

Clara Litzsinger: The God Who Sees Me

If I ever got a tattoo it would say “El Roi.” In an intimately beautiful moment of Scripture, we see Hagar enter into a personal relationship with God: “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: El Roi [You are the One who sees me].” (Genesis 16:13). Hagar was...
Cher Ola: On NextGen

Cher Ola: On NextGen

In 2019 I spent 4 months hiking 1500 miles on the Appalachian Trail, also known as the AT. During that time, every other hiker I met became an immediate friend. Connections were made easily without all of the pressures of ‘real life’ and because we all had...