Dear Praying Friends:

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement teaches and equips saints to go global with their faith. This course has ruined many a comfortable theology. Have you attended a course? If not, YOU MUST. Go to on our web site and view this brief video clip on the Perspectives. Incredible impact.
Pray for Sterling, Shane and me as we are in Kansas City to teach Perspectives on Sunday at Graceway Church. Over 100  attend this course from this amazing missional church. Pray with us. Go to their web site at to see the 2 minute video clip from senior pastor, Jeff Adams. What a vision this brother has for the global expression of the local church. Enjoy and pray for us.
Pray for Sterling and me as we attend the USCWM Perspectives Regional Directors Conference the first week of October in Missouri. For us this is a learning time to see and feel the pulse of the leadership of this great global movement. Our dear friends, Fran and Sue Patt, play strategic roles in seeing this curriculum continue its impact among God’s people. Pray as we seek to discern how God will use us in various forums in the days to come.
Financial Partners: we are thrilled to see our partners grow to 35% of desired funds. Over the past week we’ve added 7 new partners. Quite thrilled to see God raise the team.
ELC June 2013 will be held once again in Philadelphia. We are planning now toward 5 ELCs in 2014. Click on our web site to see recent video clip updates from our June ELC,
We love you. Check out our FB for latest pics on the journey: The Center for Global Mission. Also, follow us on Twitter: Center4GM
Richest blessings
Jim and Sterling, along with Shane

The Center for Global Mission