NextGen Friends:

Our NextGen Conf. sequel follow-up this week on Word and Prayer was a spiritually and emotionally enriching 3-days for Sterling and me. How was your 4th day this week, the day after? For those who joined us for all 3-days this week for the NextGen, how did your Thursday go? For those who joined for 2-days, how was your third?

Could our challenge be that as we return to routines and life’s demands we just might inadvertently allow the flourishing of Holy Spirit empowered clarity during our conference die a natural death in your routines and rhythms by inattention?

If that is you, take time now as you read this note to stop, reflect, detach for a few moments, take your desired practice, exercise or takeaway and remember.

Which talk should you revisit to apply?

What new practices-takeaways brew in your soul?

What must you say ‘no’ to in order to say ‘yes’ to your new practice?

How will you incorporate them into your soul care?

Who will you impart what God gives you? Who is your apprentice?

Finally, in the next 24-hours tell a friend, a disciple, a spouse, or a trusted advocate for your soul of your new practice and why that one. Cement that commitment in your soul. ENJOY!

Now, gaze intimately into the eyes of Jesus. Delight for a few moments in that time with your Lord.

Here is a picture of Jesus, the DAY AFTER. Read Mark 1:35-38. Here is a picture of Jesus after His NextGen (sorry could not resist entering the story) meeting with the apostles. Early morning, yet still dark, he left them-alone, went to a solitary place, and there prayed; left there and preached. He took apprentices with Him. The Day After for Jesus was Alone-Father-Solitude-Disciples-Itinerate Preaching.

Review your patterns and apprentice well to the ways of Jesus. He knows what the day after feels like.

Learn now these beautiful unforced rhythms of grace.

Sterling and I love you and relish our moments together.

Blessings to all!
Jim and Sterling