
The time where real change takes place.  NextGen Conferences facilitate conversations that lead to change, renovation, healing, and creating impact. NextGen Conferences seek to change the world through discipleship and mentoring, soul care and healing.

2021 Conference Schedule

April 23-25

The Intersection of Word and Prayer in the Soul of a Young Leader Impacting Their Souls, Teams and Tasks.


An Honest Discussion About Black Lives in Ministry. Date to be determined at later time.


Apostolic Entrepreneurial Leader Conference. Date to be determined at later time.


A Continuation of the Intersection of Word and Prayer. Date to be determined at later time.

Conferences in the NextGen Space

We have no desire to replicate the conferences offered by many fine North American ministries. But, we do desire to step into spaces to bless and serve the global church where we think it useful especially to the NextGeneration of mission and church leaders. While we operate from the USA, we seek to invite into our equipping efforts voices from outside our country to give crucial perspective so that we in America greatly benefit as well.

So, the NextGen with its premiere NextGen Leaders Conference also hosts other conferences and conversations as the need arises to bless and be blessed. To serve younger leaders and allow their deepest heart questions, weaknesses, pain, confuses in ministry a space to land and rest in community and with the Lord.

We just hosted a virtual space global conversation with our younger friends and key African American voices to gain a sense of core of the issues from the vantage point of veteran, godly black pastors who have served in the trenches of gospel ministry and living out the call to racial reconciliation.

In our recent virtual NextGen Leaders Conferences we discovered a core group of Apostolic Entrepreneurial Leaders. So we have put in motion a one-day 4 hour virtual meeting for this unique and gifted group of creatives in the task of bringing transformation to areas of influence.